Education in Joinville

Education as a Pillar of the Quality of Life of Joinvilenses

In Joinville, education is a fundamental pillar, reflecting the city's commitment to intellectual and social development. With quality public schools and bilingual schools in German and English, it offers an inclusive environment for learning.

There are also a variety of technical courses, preparing students for the job market.

Furthermore, the city is home to excellent state, federal and private colleges. This investment in education results in qualified labor, contributing to the growth of local companies.

Turismo Pedagógico em Joinville

O turismo pedagógico em Joinville oferece uma oportunidade única para os estudantes aprenderem de forma prática e envolvente.

Ao explorar os diversos lugares da cidade, como o Museu Nacional da Imigração e Colonização, a Quinta do Mildau e o Museu de Sambaqui, os alunos têm a chance de vivenciar a história, a cultura e a biodiversidade da região de maneira tangível.

Acreditamos que quando se aprende fazendo, o conhecimento se fixa de forma mais profunda e significativa. Portanto, o turismo pedagógico em Joinville não apenas enriquece o currículo escolar, mas também proporciona experiências de aprendizado memoráveis e transformadoras para os estudantes.

Joinville has a project called Viva Ciranda, which connects children with rural properties in Joinville, click HERE to find out more.

Abaixo são os principais atrativos de Joinville que recebem grupos escolares:

Joinville, every School Year a Different Experience!

Atrativos de Joinville interessantes para cada ano escolar.

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Dance, Music and Art Education

In Joinville, art and culture are more than simple artistic expressions; They are the pillars that support the identity and pride of our city. With two internationally renowned institutions - the Musicarium and the Bolshoi Ballet School - Joinville stands out as a vibrant and inspiring cultural center.

These institutions not only train world-class artists, but also have the mission of taking Joinville's name to the world, representing the artistic and cultural excellence that our city has to offer.

Com dedicação e paixão, essas instituições junto com a Casa da Cultura de Joinville moldam os talentos locais, proporcionando oportunidades únicas de desenvolvimento e crescimento artístico.

Thus, with every dance step, musical note and work of art, Joinville continues to shine as a beacon of creativity and excellence, inspiring and enchanting the world with its cultural richness.

Joinville Cidade de Inovação

"Lifelong learning" is a term used for Education for Life. The term represents Joinville, which is why our companies are so innovative.

Entenda sobre o ecossistema de inovação em Joinville.

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