Main events

Cuca Festival

Cuca is a tray cake made with eggs, wheat flour, butter and covered with farofa (butter, sugar and wheat)

Since 2014, the Joinville Cucas Festival has taken place in Joinville, always in June.



Cuca is a tray cake made with eggs, wheat flour, butter and covered with farofa (butter, sugar and wheat). Cuca cake is very similar to Streuselkuchen, a traditional German cake.

Aqui em Joinville, a Cuca você encontra em todas as padarias da cidade.


Since 2014, the Joinville Cucas Festival has taken place in Joinville, always in June.

A NSC é quem promove e o público participa de um concurso para eleger a melhor receita caseira do tradicional doce de origem alemã.

Since 2017, we have established the Municipal Cuca Week by law! Always from the first Sunday in June until the following Saturday.



    The community enters their homemade recipes in the competition. The evaluating team curates the recipes sent and selects the finalists. The Jornal do Almoço team produces articles about the recipes in the homes of the finalists. The event is held full of attractions for the choice of the champion cuca and cuca fair open to the community.


Em alguma praça do centro de Joinville


Em Junho


Approximate estimated number

5 thousand visitors



For more information, visit:

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